Inside Admiral

The Power to Grow: Exploring the Impact of Learning & Development

Learning at Work Week celebrates the value of continuous learning within the workplace. Research has shown that professional development opportunities play a significant role in predicting employee engagement and happiness. By fostering a culture of growth and providing access to tools and resources, organizations empower their employees to reach their individual and team goals. 

From May 13th to 18th, our Learning & Development (L&D) team highlights the unique avenues and opportunities available for Admiral colleagues to expand their knowledge and develop their skills in every role they undertake. 

Leading the way is Troy Munroe, our Learning & Development Manager, who brings an abundance of expertise to the table. Notably, Troy holds the credentials of a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) from the International Coaching Federation (ICF). This prestigious certification requires coaches to demonstrate advanced mastery of the ICF's core coaching competencies, complete extensive training hours, and engage in mentor coaching to continuously refine their skills and competencies. 

Assisting Troy in our L&D endeavours is Learning & Development Facilitator, Josh Hynes. With over 10 years of experience at Admiral, Josh brings a wealth of knowledge and insights to the team. Complementary to Troy, Josh also holds several certified accreditations in his field. Together, Troy and Josh form a dynamic duo, leveraging over 25 years of combined Admiral experience to drive our learning and development initiatives forward. Grounded within our core value to "Strive for better: both personally and professionally", L&D’s approach to professional development creates an environment where our colleagues feel supported, empowered, and motivated to continuously develop their skills and reach their full potential.  

To support these opportunities, L&D focuses on several key areas. One crucial area is Leadership Development, which encompasses a range of courses and programs designed to help leaders enhance their skills and effectively guide their teams. These initiatives provide valuable guidance on handling challenging situations, understanding and leveraging individual strengths, and promoting a culture of collaboration and team building. 

One key principle taught by L&D is the 5/5/5 Skills Coaching method which stands out for its emphasis on asking powerful questions, coachee evaluation and action plans, and the development of distinct coaching skills. 

The 5/5/5 coaching exchange is a method used by Team Managers (TMs) to help empower their teams. This coaching method focuses on developing skills, principles, and processes for having thought-provoking conversations. Unlike feedback, which involves providing direct advice or suggestions, the 5/5/5 coaching approach emphasizes asking questions that allow the coachee to evaluate challenges and identify root causes.

As 5/5/5 coaches, TMs can challenge, encourage, motivate, support, and guide their teammates towards a path of success. The rewarding aspect of this coaching method is that the coachee takes ownership of their own plan and decisions.

The 5/5/5 Coaching Skills Training program has been widely implemented at Admiral Canada, with over 95% of managers trained in this approach. Participants receive a certificate upon completion, and the training hours count towards future International Coach Federation (ICF) credentials.

Receiving 5/5/5 certification has significantly transformed the way I interact with my team”, shared New Business Team Manager, Katelyn Mitchell. “I've been able to have better coaching sessions with my team, allowing them to formulate goals and decisions on their own. I've been able to guide and coach them by using open-ended questions and being mindful of avoiding the use of the term 'why'. I've also focused on maintaining an 80/20 balance, allowing the coachee to have more speaking time while I actively listen."

New Business Compliance Manager Brittany McHatten expressed her perspective on the impact of 5/5/5 coaching in the workplace. She shared, "I enjoy the work that I do as a coach because when we get to the root cause, it's exciting. It's a great feeling when you can help someone get to the answers themselves and it helps the coachee feel more confident in themselves because they had the answer all along. And at Admiral, one of our key values is to strive for better, both personally and professionally. Coaching and coaching well is a key part for us, bettering ourselves and helping others find their path."

In addition to the 5/5/5 method, L&D have implemented a range of projects and initiatives that have made a significant impact on the development of our workforce. One such initiative is Team Coaching, which was introduced this year and has already yielded impressive results. By providing phone-based teams with dedicated time and space to discuss challenges, goals, communication, and expectations, this program has proven to be a valuable resource. The feedback received from the participating teams has been overwhelmingly positive, highlighting the success of this initiative in addressing their needs and forging a collaborative environment.

Another notable initiative is centred around Emotional Intelligence. This program allows colleagues to gain a deeper understanding of their own feelings and behaviours, exploring the theory behind emotional intelligence as researched by Daniel Goleman. Not only does this course serve as a fun team-building exercise, but it also offers a unique opportunity for individuals to delve into self-awareness and empathy which is benefical in various aspects of their work, ranging from customer interactions to nurturing positive relationships with colleagues.

Lastly, the Manager Master Class program has been designed specifically for those aspiring to excel in their managerial positions. Tailored for individuals preparing for a Team Manager role at the Senior Care Representative (SCR) level, this program equips participants with the necessary skills and knowledge to thrive in their leadership positions. By providing relevant training and insights, this program ensures that our future managers are well-prepared to lead, inspire, and guide their teams towards success.

The Learning & Development team's commitment to creating impactful initiatives is evident through these key projects. Their holistic approach has not only contributed to the professional growth of our colleagues but also has produced a positive and enriching work environment. With the continued dedication to professional development, as highlighted throughout Learning at Work Week, we can expect even more significant impacts that will shape the future of Admiral.
